Sunday, March 28, 2010

rainy days, mondays, always get me down

yea i know its not monday, but it may as well be. shoots are getting cancelled left and right because of this random rain. i decided to go to the diner this morning, but forgot it was sunday and that the diner would be PACKED with people. i may as well not have taken up a table just for myself when theres groups of people waiting to have brunch or what have you.

i finally saw the Shining for the first time last night. they had a midnight showing at the IFC center so me and ivan went and it was awesome!!! only i wish my stupid narcolepsy hadnt kicked in at the most important part. huge chunk of the film i was nodding in and out. its so frustrating because my mind is like.. "dont you DARE fall asleep!! what are you doing!!" but it doesnt matter, im out.

anyway, i shot yesterday in Battery Park for a film with an SVA student named Daniel Bello. Its a pretty cool idea, im just a girl walking around the park and all this crazy weird shit starts happening. we were supposed to shoot today, but the weather got in the way.

this week is looking CRAZY busy, (but what week doesnt). Ive got a Ten Antenna Show, playing bass with Ivan and the Terribles, and have a solo show three nights in a row. And I have three different shoots three days in a row. Then of course work at FAO, and easter is on Sunday (?!) and HOPEFULLY me ivan maria frank and margot will finally be able to go check out that Tim Burton exhibit at MoMa. been dyinggg to see it.

The above picture is from my new music video that director, Kevin Slack, directed. You can check out his blog here: . There's some screenshots pulled from some of his footage. Here's some more:

I'm gunna wait a while to post some other things. There's so much to report on these last few months. They've been incredible and exhausting. but there's nothing better than killin yourself for the dream. What better way to spend your time?

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