Monday, June 7, 2010

this wed at LIT!

photon dynamo's got a bunch of shows coming up this month... including one this wednesday where we will be headlining at LIT LOUNGE! (its always fun to play there because they really liquor up the bands! haha) here's a pic from one of our shows at party expo last week:

that show was fun and there was an open bar at beauty bar 1 block away... score!!

we also played our first out-of-nyc gig the night before in Philly at the green line cafe! (kudos to robin from cranes are flying for asking us)

other than that, i shot a "48 hour film" a few days ago which was prettttty exhausting, but fun nonetheless. it should be screening this friday at 8 downtown somewhere near the nyu area.

in other news im sick, or in the process of beating a cold. grrrrrr!!! annoying.

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