Monday, May 3, 2010

spring dont exist no mo'. thats pretty sad.

well i have wrapped on every film I had going on to date. which is a good feeling, but also scary. cuz.... whats next?? well. whats next is getting all this footage back so i can make a reel to send out to agents and managers and casting stuff, etc. it may take some time. in the mean time, i might have to start actually looking for another job. which would suck but, now that im done with all the films i have free time again, and im really pretty poor so... haha.

one of the films i recently just wrapped on is a Fairfield Student Film called The Grease Among Us. I had the best time working on this film, and when I got a chance to check out a sneak peak before it was finished, i thought it looked absolutely amazing. (and its funny too!) The film was chosen to screen "Cinefest" at Fairfield, but i wasnt able to attend, i hope it did well at the festival! Here's a sneak peak:

ten antenna has been recording our first album with our friend graham from the seƱors of marseille, who you can listen to here: (( )) so far its 6 songs. altho i really would like our first album to be all of our songs up until this point. which is 10. Domo is being very helpful during this recording process:

photon dynamo and the shiny pieces is also recording. this will be our second album, and its practically done! we've just got two more songs to lay down, its going to be called GOIN THE WORLD. then onto the NEXT almbum.

something pretty cool right now is a play is using photon dynamo's music for their production. if you are interested in seeing the play, you will get a DISCOUNT by mentioning our band's name. (photon dynamo and the shiny pieces!)

to buy tickets, or check out some info on the production, PSYCH, go here:

i was also finally able to see the Tim Burton exhibit with Ivan. It was truly unbelievable. no one was allowed to take pictures, which was the hardest part. especially when i saw the life-size edward scissorhands. one day, i need that in my house. it was so amazing that he was an arist AND filmmaker at a really really young age, and he always had that little quirky style about his work. it was just an incredible exhibit. not boring for a minute!

yesterday i was able to go see my acting teacher's play she directed at Muhlenberg College, and it was fantastic. It was called blood wedding, which she had me read when I was in college, and its such a heartbreakingly amazing play, infused with flamenco dance and classical guitar. My acting teacher added all these different characters too, it was incredible and i was definitely crying in the end.

it was so weird being back at muhlenberg tho, because the freshman when i left are seniors now, and it doesnt really feel like its been that long! but once they graduate, i just dont exist at that school anymore, cant really go back again. its really strange and i cant believe how fast the time flies by.

and i also cant believe that there are no seasons anymore. we went from freezing to PIPING hot, then had about two days of fall, and now its like summer weather. ughhhhh. whatever happened to the spring!

im going to be posting two very important links later as well. one teaser and one trailer...

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